The in between

You’re not the one

You weren't the avenue where I could become

Everything I am meant to be

I could have cracked and unfolded underneath you

But you weren’t ready to be heavy

What’s left

What’s left is nothing

In this, spaciousness exist

A warm burning sensation

Waiting to find a way to create

Because in my emptiness

And cracks of my heart

All I want to fill it with

Is love

The in between

Between the hills and the valleys

The emotional highs and lows

are the most uncomfortable

not sure if I'm going up or down

this is the moment that should be of peace making

I see beauty at the peak

I see beauty in falling

But at the pause

between the inhale

and exhale

I'm back here again

In stillness

Trying to understand the depth of myself


Grieving Process - A Poem